Who doesn’t want beautiful, luminous, hydrated, fine-wrinkle-free skin? For that, we know, we need to regularly clean our face to get rid of impurities. Cleaning your face is also necessary to remove make-up, to clean it well and to cream it well. And yet, we sometimes get it wrong. So here are the right things to do to be radiant.

The skin is made up of a multitude of small holes called “pores”. Yes, the famous ones that we try to hide at all costs and the same ones who govern the temperature. This is why it is essential to properly manage the heat of tap water while cleaning the skin. As the steam is known to open the pores, it is recommended to rinse your face using a washcloth moistened with warm water. Rather than applying water directly to the face, the fabric will act as a vapour and allow the pores to dilate for better rinsing. We then continue with a splash of cool to cold water, this time to tighten the pores and reactivate blood circulation. The skin is then invigorated and more luminous.
Cleansing with a proper vitamin E or C cleanser is necessary. It is important to add these vitamins to clean your skin. Their antioxidant qualities will clean up your face and leave no space for impurities. It is also advised to scrub your face once or twice a week to get rid of dead skin cells. Coffee scrubs have many qualities. After cleansing and scrubbing, a vitamin C mask would provide soft and supple skin. Then apply your moisturiser, moisturiser with vitamin C, hyaluronic acid or argan oil are all considered good choices. Try to initiate every step with patience. Let all ingredients absorb in your skin. Complete absorption can be achieved by massaging all over your face and neck.
Too many textures and formulas could suffocate our skin. Therefore you should target your needs according to your skin type and stick to them. Even if it means getting advice from a dermatologist to be sure of your choices.
Our skin is made up of a multitude of layers that it protects in particular with the help of sebum, this thin film that is sometimes a little oily that many hate. However, using scrubs that are too aggressive – or scrubbing your face too often – can create lesions on the skin or even accentuate the phenomenon of oily skin.
After taking the time to properly wash your face, you shouldn’t ruin everything during the drying stage and yet… Who does not pass the towel quickly to get rid of the chore? Stop right away! The right thing for our skin: lightly tap a soft towel to absorb excess water without wrinkling our skin. Our skin requires patience and softness. Then apply a moisturizer rich in vitamin C or vitamin E.