Yellowed skin is a strong indicator there is a problem with an internal organ such as the liver or kidneys. Jaundice and uremia are two conditions that cause the yellowing of the skin. Some topical anti-biotics applications given to patients by doctors can also cause the skin to yellow, tetracycline is one of them. Yellowing can also occur with diabetes conditions and so many instances where the skin turns this colour warrant a doctor’s visit especially if there is a lump found before the yellowing occurred and then spread. This is a sign of necrobiosis lipoidica and should be consulted with to a doctor.
When the skin is found dull, it is commonly because of dehydration. Dehydrated skin can be addressed by topical applications readily available. Hyaluronic acid is perfect for flooding the skin with hydrating properties as it allows the retention of water within the skin’s membrane. Try to stay clear from hot water and instead opt for lukewarm temperatures that won’t strip the natural oils away from the surface of your skin.
Tobacco use will hinder a person’s skin quality and flexibility so if you smoke it will undoubtedly cause problems later on.
Exfoliating regularly will always bring new life to your complexion as it removes the not so easy to see dead skin cells to leave the healthy cells on display and adding a serum to your facial maintenance routine will bring anti-oxidant effects and help prevent collagen depriving damage from free radicals. The use of vitamin C will seriously aid in tackling hyperpigmentation and so including it in a serum of choice is highly advantageous, a typical serum that works great and includes hyaluronic acid to restore moisture is available at, you can find it here.

The serum as shown offers excellent benefits towards skin hydration and protection from casual daily wear. Adding it to your self-care program will vastly improve the quality of your skins complexion and feel. Coupling the use of this product with exfoliation is a perfect plan to revitalize and be confident you are servicing your body’s defences well. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to also include collagen as it is a medium for cellular activity in the skin and soft tissues in the body.
It is recommended that if your skin is dull and yellow due to some topical agents or make-up products that it is good practice to deep cleanse your face sparingly, say once or twice a week. This is because the intense act of deep cleansing can be detrimental to your skin in the long term. Instead cleans the face gently before using creams and lotions to tackle the issue of yellowing. Eye cream has proven effective at reducing dullness and yellowing around the eyes so perhaps try using one to address an issue of this sort. You can find a reliable eye cream as shown here.

Another product that can offer excellent benefits to tackle dullness and yellowing is oil-based moisturizer. Choosing a reliable emollient could play an essential part in reducing these unwanted effects.
Moisturizing oil alone is a recommended approach for instances of yellowing on the skin. Argand oil and argand oil lotion from can offer a wonderful solution to this problem. You can find out more here.

One last product that will absolutely deal with yellowing and dulling of the skin is whitening essence. Neutriherbs provides excellent products for whitening your skin.
Being a strong agent of cosmetics, whitening agents are to be used in small measures as they are applied. One product should go a long way and could be the defining measure you use to be rid of dull and yellowed skin.
You can find out more about this product here.

With this information, you may now have a more reasonable approach to dealing with dull and yellowed skin. Dull and yellowed skin is not an ideal situation as it can mean so many things but not exclusively, it may just be that your skin is reacting to certain things withing your control, if so, neutriherbs has all you need and you can trust the product is working just as you would hope. Hope this helps.