Today, there are endless beauty products: day and night creams, balms, contours, serums, anti-stains, anti-wrinkles… crazy for beauty lovers. Above a cream, we must be clear about the essential steps for a complete beauty routine
We are all lazy, surely more than once you have gone to bed without removing your make-up. Possibly many of you have not found your ideal cleanser, but it is the essential step for our skin to remain healthy and look radiant. The ideal is to repeat the cleaning both in the morning and at night, but always at least at one of these two times of the day.
Choose the formula that best suits your skin and that is most comfortable for you: water-based gels, cleansing creams, micellar waters… the options are endless since it is the most important step in your daily beauty routine.
A good cleaning not only ensures us healthier skin but also helps us that any treatment that we apply later penetrates better into our skin and is, therefore, more effective. Don’t skip it!
The skin of our body, and more specifically that of our face, loses water daily due to our activity and the impact of external agents, such as pollution and the weather. To keep it flexible and resistant, it is important to replace this loss. We should not confuse the hydration of the skin, which we all need, with its nutrition, more focused on dry skin and poorly nourished in lipids or fat.
The ideal is to find the right cream and apply it in the morning, to hydrate the skin for our day. We must try to incorporate UVA / UV filters into this cream so that it also protects us from those solar radiations that are so harmful to premature ageing of the skin.
This last point of the daily beauty routine will depend on the age and type of skin. It is clear that the youngest skins are the ones that have to worry the least about the treatment, but it does not mean that they have to forget about it. From the age of 25, you can start using formulas that begin to treat the signs of ageing or off-road treatments to strengthen the skin against external agents.
From 30-35, the first wrinkles should start to be treated with both specific treatments, including serums and contours, as well as additional treatments. Of course, as the skin matures, we must emphasise the treatment of wrinkles, sagging or loss of firmness.
The ideal is to find a product with which we feel comfortable, that is pleasant to the skin and is constant in its application to obtain visible results.
The perfect moment for the application of the most specific treatments in the beauty routine? In the evening! In this way, we ensure that the skin integrates this treatment in the repair and renewal processes, which start when we sleep.