Skincare Routine for Oily and combination skin

Creating a Skin Care routine for oily skin is not easy. From cleansers and moisturizers to sunscreens or masks, there are dozens of potential items that could fit into a daily routine. To understand something, however, it is important to understand your skin type and your needs, starting with identifying your personal goals.

A product that could be the holy grail for a friend of ours could be a real disaster for us if we have very different skin types (and sometimes even if we have similar skin types!). Today you will find a guide in simple steps that will allow you to organize your perfect SkinCare routine whether you have oily skin or combination skin.

What causes oily skin?

Oily skin occurs when the skin produces too much sebum (an oily, waxy substance produced by the sebaceous glands).

Sebum is meant to moisturize and protect your skin, but when your body produces too much sebum, this oil mixes with dead skin cells and bacteria, which then gets trapped in your pores causing breakouts.

Excessive sebum production is mostly genetic, but it can also be caused by stress, hormonal changes, and environmental stressors.

The problem with oily skin is that it is often accompanied by:

  • Very shiny leather
  • Uneven textures
  • Enlarged pores
  • Rashes / Acne
  • skin hydration nourishment effects

Don’t underestimate hydration! Vitamins, oils, and vegetable butter help keep the surface layer of the skin hydrated. A compromised barrier causes loss of hydration of the epidermis, dryness, and greater exposure to harmful external agents (allergens, bacteria, free radicals…).

Luckily, there are products and ingredients you can use to help balance your skin’s natural oils, keeping your skin healthy and hydrated, while severely limiting shine.

The best ingredients for oily (and combination) skin

When we focus on skincare for oily skin, it is extremely important to pay attention to the main ingredients of a product.

If you have oily or combination skin, look for products with the following ingredients:

Squalene – Mimics the sebum your skin naturally produces, which you might think you don’t want, but it helps balance your skin’s natural oils, which is exactly what we’re after!

Rosemary Extract – Rosemary helps naturally cleanse pores.

Aloe Vera – One of nature’s best moisturizing ingredients, aloe adds hydration to the skin while also helping to remove buildup on the skin.

Rose Oil – Used for centuries to help improve the appearance of the skin, Rose Oil purifies the skin, minimizes the appearance of pores, and naturally hydrates!

Clary Sage – Clary sage acts as a natural tonic and helps eliminate excessively dry or excessively oily skin.

Activated Coconut Charcoal – Gives skin and pores a deep cleanse without stripping the skin of nutrients.

Bentonite & Kaolin Clay – Clays are super beneficial for balancing oils, soothing skin, and improving texture.

Tea Tree Oil – This essential oil helps cleanse dirt and oil from the pores and soothes the skin.

Hyaluronic acid – Hyaluronic acid is the quintessential moisturizer: it is always appreciated Ingredients to avoid

Retinol Also known as vitamin A, retinol helps cleanse the skin of dead skin cells by unclogging pores.

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