We propose a few simple steps with which you can eliminate blackheads and show off perfect skin without damaging it. Let’s start!
White, green, and red clay for the skin, what is each one used for? (3 homemade masks)
In face masks and body wraps, the clay acts as a natural exfoliant that cleanses, purifies, and regenerates the skin.
Are pore cleansing strips bad for the skin?
An endless journey is already complicated enough to raise the level of difficulty.
Benefits of water for the skin: younger and more radiant
Due to its barrier function and its exposure to external conditions, the skin is especially sensitive to water deficit. Why is it convenient to ensure its correct hydration? We will talk to you about it.
How to care for and maintain the pH of the skin?
The skin’s pH is constantly exposed and vulnerable to different external agents that are aggressive to the skin. And if, in addition, alkaline cosmetics are used, this ends up completely altering the pH of the skin.
Which facial cleanser should I use according to my skin type?
To simplify your daily routine, we have selected the best cleansers (micellar water, gel, soap, scrub…) according to your skin type.
What is the best treatment for acne scars?
It depends on the type of scars. However, the non-ablative fractional laser is the one that allows treating all types, whether protruding or depressed, extensive or not, in a comfortable, safe, and effective way.

Laser treatment of acne scars
The most frequent aesthetic sequel of acne is the formation of scars.
Newest Beauty Trend: Facial Exercise
Clara is an influencer. She loves to try new trends in skincare as a skincare enthusiast. Recently she has welcomed Jade-roller and Guasha into her skincare regime.
The Importance of Beauty Sleep
Nothing compares to having that beautiful sleep that makes you feel refreshed and alive. Beauty sleep refers to how your body and skin start healing every day.